Restarting, the entity asks you its name, and after putting it, the individual is sent to a car park, where he is chased by White Face. But as they exit the room, White Face comes in and causes a BSOD with subsequent crash of the game. Later, the individual enters in a fleshy and bloody room, where they find the heart required to open the door of the first room. The person opens one of the doors and finds two libraries and a key behind one of them. The stairs take them to a large and ominous hall with many doors. After taking a key under a table nearby the bed, they open the closet, only to find blood in it and a key, and heads to some stairs behind him. IMSCARED starts with an unknown individual, who happens to be in a small room, with a door which requires a heart in order to be opened. It was known to change forms, from ominous floating head to a slim woman.
It infected people's computers and played games with them. Once someone made an entity known as White Face. As the game continues on, more and more confusing events like the first happen. When you wander about and finally find the heart the text is talking about, a strange floating head jumpscares you and crashes your game by showing a fake BSoD (Blue Screen of Death).
When you try to leave, text on the screen reads: 'I need a Heart in order to open it'. The original IMSCARED is about escaping a room.